O CHÁ DA SERRA foi criado em 2013, oferece serviços de terceirização de marca própria e envase de chás.
Atendemos todo o território nacional desde distribuidores e o varejo.
Prezamos pela qualidade e satisfação dos clientes e sua experiência em degustar chás.
Com estrutura moderna, colaboradores capacitados e constante investimento em treinamento e tecnologia, nossa indústria oferece produtos selecionados, de qualidade e que satisfaçam os mais diversos paladares dos consumidores.
Envasar e tercerizar chás e blends diferenciados, que proporcionem satisfação e bem estar aos consumidores com a máxima qualidade.
Ser empresa de referência em inovação na linha de chás e preferência dos consumidores pela qualidade de nossos produtos e serviços.
Solução em produtos naturais e bebidas prontas para consumo.
The company CHÁ DA SERRA Ind. E Com. De Chás was created in 2013, in the city of Guarapuava - PR. With the initial intention of outsourcing its services, he dedicated himself to the manufacture of packaged teas and compounds for chimarrão for third parties.
Over time, the company developed and launched its own brand CHÁ DA SERRA, conquering markets all over Brazil.
Always concerned with quality and customer satisfaction, she began to design blends of teas to sell, launching the mixed Quentão tea in 2015 that earned great praise and the opening of many doors.
And to make an old dream come true, in 2016 he launched his ready-to-eat product: MAIS MATE mate tea available in various flavors.
With a modern structure, trained employees and constant investment in training and technology, our industry offers selected, quality products that satisfy the most diverse consumer tastes.
Jorge Alves Ribeiro Street, 2962 | Guarapuava / PR | 85.055-040
Manufacture and supply ready-to-drink teas and beverages with differentiated blends, which provide satisfaction and well-being to consumers with the highest quality.
To be a reference company in innovation in the tea line and consumer preference for the quality of our products and services.
Solution in natural products and drinks ready for consumption.